Welcome to an exciting episode of the Personal Development Mastery Podcast, where I'm thrilled to announce the launch of the Mastery Seekers Tribe. This episode is a special invitation for you, our dedicated listener, to become a part of this online community centred around personal development mastery.
As I reflect on the journey of creating this community, I reveal my inspiration and the initial challenges I faced, including inner resistance manifesting as procrastination. With the invaluable support of my coach who helped me see beyond my fears, the Mastery Seekers Tribe has come to life. This community offers a space to engage deeply with like-minded individuals, turning podcast insights into actionable wisdom, all at no cost to you.
Listen in as I outline the opportunities awaiting you in the Mastery Seekers Tribe, from connecting with fellow seekers to participating in live events and discussions that enrich our self-mastery journeys. I am committed to inspiring positive change and awakening human consciousness, and I invite you to join this transformative journey.
Visit personaldevelopmentmasterypodcast.com/jointribe to become part of this empowering community. There is no cost - it is a free community for you, Mastery Seeker.
Let's grow together!
Stand out, don't fit in.
I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor.
My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.
Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":
Please note that while an effort is made to provide an accurate transcription, errors and omissions may be present. No part of this transcription can be referenced or reproduced without permission.
Agi Keramidas 0:03
Welcome to personal development mastery podcast, episode 443. today's episode is unique. I am overjoyed and grateful to announce the launch of mastery seekers tribe. And today's episode is an invitation to you mastery seeker. It's for you because I know you're interested in your personal growth. Well, that's why you listen to this podcast in the first place. And I want to take a moment here to acknowledge you for that, and to tell you that I appreciate you for that, that you are on the path to self growth, and so let's go straight away to the big announcement. Drumroll please. I've just started a new online community, specifically around personal development, mastery, surprise, surprise, and you mastery seeker, listening right now, I invite you to join us. Before I get into the details of the community and how you can join, I believe it's important to share with you my why. Why am I doing this? I've said this before with other endeavors that I've undertaken. My book 88 actionable insights for life. For example, that first the desire was born in me as an inspiration, an inspired idea, and then I carried it out. I took action on that inspired idea. I allowed the idea to express itself through me. So let's go back a couple of months when this creative desire came to me, and I began to take the first action to do some work as initially a curious exploration of the process of creating a community, as I got past The initial stages and started to look more serious than just an idea I was exploring. I met, and I think you will relate to this mastery seeker, I immediately met with both challenges and support. That's the way it goes, isn't it. My challenges came mainly in the form of resistance, and I mean inner resistance that mostly manifested itself as procrastination. Things took much longer to get done. At the same time, support came from my coach, Niiamah, who saw beyond my fears to the real potential of this community. So Niiamah, if you are listening, thank you from the bottom of my heart for catalyzing the creation of this.
Agi Keramidas 3:19
And here we are now. Mastery seekers tribe is up and running, and if you enjoy listening to the personal development mastery podcast, then you will absolutely love being a part of the mastery seekers tribe. The podcast is where we start. This community is where we dive deeper into the conversations and communicate, connect and support each other on our self mastery journeys. So if you're looking for ways to turn the insights from the conversations into wisdom and action and to connect with like minded people, then the mastery seekers tribe is the place for you. Even more than that, there is no cost to join the mastery seekers tribe is a free community for the listeners of this podcast, for mastery seekers like you. So you will find the link to join in the episode description, or you can go to personaldevelopmentmasterypodcast.com/jointribe
Agi Keramidas 4:34
And asfor me and my commitment to you, let me say this. I remain committed to my mission to inspire you to stand out, grow and take action towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life. I remain committed to my mission of in. Inspiring positive change and contributing to the awakening of human consciousness. Sure, let me repeat the links to join one more time. It is personaldevelopmentmasterypodcast.com/jointribe or follow the link in the episode description. Once you're in the community, you can introduce yourself, you can connect with other mastery seekers, and you can join in the live events and podcasts that will be happening. I think you can get a lot out of this community, and even more than that, even though I may not know you, I think you have a lot to contribute, so
Agi Keramidas 5:50
I'm looking forward to seeing you in the tribe, mastery seeker. Stand Out. Don't fit in.