On this fascinating episode of Personal Development Mastery, join me as I sit down with Antonia, a registered holistic psychotherapist and author of Dismantling the Third Dimension. Antonia takes us on a journey of her own personal transition to a more spiritual path, discussing her experiences with synchronicities and energy movement. She sheds light on the importance of silence and how it allows us to access higher frequencies and the intelligence of consciousness, while exploring the concept of collective healing.
We continue our exploration into the profound impact of ancestral trauma and how it's passed down through generations. Antonia helps us understand how these traumas are etched into our DNA and can be impacted by higher frequencies. Further, we tackle the concept of the third dimension and its representation of a reality filled with pain. Listen as Antonia describes the shift from pain to unity and how this leads to increased empathy and awareness.
In our discussion on trauma, pain, and personal development, Antonia shares valuable insights into how pain and suffering can be part of an expansion process. She discusses how silence can quiet the noise, allowing higher frequencies to work their magic. Finally, we discuss the power of gratitude and the role of higher frequencies such as compassion and empathy in transmitting acceptance. Join us for this enlightening episode to learn how to transition from pain to unity, explore ancestral trauma's impact, and harness the power of silence for personal development.
0:03:58 - Transition in 2006 and Career Doubts
0:10:07 - Transforming Pain Into Expansion
0:16:39 - Inherited Pain From Previous Generations
0:18:32 - Epigenetics and Inherited Trauma
0:21:26 - Transitioning From Pain to Unity
0:26:47 - Exploring Trauma, Pain, and Personal Development
"Love yourself. Figure out how to do it. Start now!"
Antonia’s website: https://www.tribetocollective.com
I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is simple: to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.
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Have you ever wondered where trauma and pain truly come from or how we can work through them? This episode explores collective healing, ancestral trauma, and the transition from the third dimension to higher states of consciousness.
This episode discusses important topics that many people grapple with - the roots of trauma and pain, both personal and collective. By understanding where these difficult emotions come from and how to work through them, listeners can gain insights that may help them overcome challenges in their own lives. Releasing trauma allows for greater peace, clarity and expansion into higher states of awareness. This discussion provides a framework and practical strategies for addressing life's sufferings in a way that facilitates personal and social healing.
By listening to this episode, you will:
1. Learn where trauma and pain originate from, including how ancestral experiences can be passed down intergenerationally.
2. Discover holistic techniques for working through trauma energetically, including the benefits of silence, self-compassion and releasing limiting beliefs.
3. Gain perspective on the transition humanity is undergoing as we shift out of third dimensional realities characterised by fear and separation into higher states of unity, empathy and connection.
Play this episode to gain insights and strategies for overcoming life's sufferings by addressing trauma's deeper roots and facilitating your own expansion into greater peace and awareness.
Please note that while an effort is made to provide an accurate transcription, errors and omissions may be present. No part of this transcription can be referenced or reproduced without permission.
Antonia 0:00
One of the most fundamental experiences that we need to bring in regularly is silence. Because we live in a very noisy, painful, dense reality, and the higher frequencies are much quieter. So the silence allows us to quiet all of the noise so that we can allow give permission for the higher frequencies, the ordering energies of consciousness, the intelligence of consciousness to come in and start to do its work in these dense beings.
Agi Keramidas 0:36
Welcome to personal development mastery podcast, empowering you with the simple, consistent actions needed to master yourself and create a life of purpose and fulfilment. I'm your host, Agi Keramidas. And my mission is simply to inspire you to take action towards improving your life. In this podcast, I invite myself inside the minds of remarkable people, and I distil their wisdom for you. So if you're ready to find practical insights that you can implement right now, make sure you follow the podcast and get the episodes as soon as they are released. Speaking of insights, how would you like a free copy of my book 88 actionable insights for life. It's a book based on the conversations with the notable people ahead doing this podcast. And you as my listener can get it now, before its official launch. As a matter of fact, I'm giving it to you as a present. Go to Agi keramidas.com/ 88 To download your copy. And come into today's episode. When you listen to this conversation with my guest Antonia today, you will find out where trauma and pain actually come from, how we can work with them, and why to do it, what benefits that facilitates working with that. You will also hear about to transition from the current, quote unquote third dimension and the shift we are undergoing as humanity as well as what these dimensions actually represent. This is an illuminating conversation, keep your mind open and let's dive right in. Today, I am excited to welcome Antonia registered holistic psychotherapist and the author of dismantling the third dimension book. Antonia, you have a background in international development and community health and in 2006, you experienced dramatic as you call it. Accelerated awakening. You combine Western psychotherapy with energetic transmutation to help your clients dissolve ancient trauma patterns and expand self awareness. You're passionate about preparing healers and seekers for a wave of healing us our collective ancient traumas self is rapidly on the path to the next reality. Antonio, welcome to the show. It's such a pleasure to have you here.
Antonia 3:21
It's such a pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me.
Agi Keramidas 3:25
I'm very much looking forward to this conversation. And as I was telling you before we started recording, it is a topic that or pathway of topics. And we say that I haven't explored much in the podcast so far, however, I'm very much drawn to do so. So I was very intrigued by your story and what you do. So, today we will explore collective healing the transition from the third dimension. Before we go there, I would like to ask you for some background. Tell me about that transition in 2006. How was your life before and what triggered that? Transition?
Antonia 4:11
Yeah, good question. So before that, I mean, I spent many, many, many years just getting degree after degree after degree right trying to pursue some worthiness and show up in the world, a political world, a social justice world by gaining some credibility through academia, international development, I you know, I got a master's in that and worked in southern hemisphere, worked in Community Health here in North America. So really, my my community and my validation was around academia and the very political environment in very mainstream healthcare. And then in 2006 I really there I can't say anything triggered it. It was at a I think there was a moment I remember sitting in my office literally sitting up straight with a feeling of, I don't think I'm supposed to be doing this, like, this doesn't feel like where I'm meant to be. And even having that thought feeling, you know, this, it was very strong, but also was met with very strong doubt, like, what? What are you thinking, right? You have a good job, you got benefits to the you know, you're pursuing this career. So there was even a tension within when this really strong feeling happen. So it was quite a few months, and maybe a year, year and a half that everything just started to get a little bit nutty. And things that I had never understood. Things that I didn't have a reference point for started to happen, what you know, what everybody's talking about, like synchronicities, and I suddenly connected to things like my intuition, and had, you know, one very strange instructional dream. And, and then in about, I think about a year and a half in this very strange process that was unfolding day after day, very strange things and compulsions and being pulled, I started to then feel energy moving through my body. And as energy increasingly moved through my body almost done. In the beginning, maybe it was about a weekly basis, energy would start pushing through discomfort, pain, suffering, would start to come to the surface move through and to and afterward, there'll be this sense of clarity and, and understanding and ease and joy that would come in, in place of anxiety that I didn't know, I was even feeling or shame that I wasn't aware I was holding. So there's huge process started to unfold, and continues today.
Agi Keramidas 6:51
Wow. All right. So my understanding then is that there was no any particular practice or something that you did to just copy it on its own basically. I'm curious where you are, did you consider yourself a spiritual person before that time?
Antonia 7:08
No, not at all. And in fact, I think a year before I was wrestling, in my mind, you know, because these are things that I would, I mean, I was always a curious person. But, you know, I approached it from, you know, an academic and observer position, probably from judgement as well. And I grew up in a family where we never said the word God, for example, and I don't currently use that word in my you know, communications, but it wasn't a place where we discussed the spiritual, we discussed academia and politics, we discussed advancing in a very material mind driven world, how do you become the smartest, the most effective, contribute in the most meaningful ways? Do well, so I had nobody around me and no, no language, in order to validate what I was experiencing. So it was extremely isolating, I was I was met with there was a, you know, this enormous, this magical reality was met with really terror, terror, because I did not understand and this part of me that had this whole other reference point for meaningful and good and worthy and affirmed all of that was, was really felt quite ashamed and shunt this other part of me that was emerging very quickly and very painfully, like this was not an easy process coming through
Agi Keramidas 8:42
can only Mahajan. And what you were saying about, you know, the left brain sides, that of people who are, you know, have a more scientific approach or analytical approach because, well, our society to a large extent is is like that we want proof and things that are completely unproven. Yet who led to the hunt, are many times confronted with scepticism to say the list usually it's much more than that it is straight rejection rather than scepticism. But let's let's assume that scepticism is the way many people see these things. Let me bring that to what you do then. Because you say that you have your combined Western psychotherapy with metaphysical practice, like a holistic approach. So can you tell me how do you do that? And what are the benefits of that?
Antonia 9:50
Yeah, so I mean, I still work with some clients in a very Western. I mean, I've they're actually more calm. supplementary because I work with the eye or Veda and the yoga and the meditation. So that's a bit more of the mainstream alternative. Other clients who are going through their, you know, or feeling like are not even aware, but I can feel energetically that they're moving into this expansive project in their own lives. I seem to be the tipping point. So, you know, one, as pain released, there were many things that began to reveal themselves knowings and understandings. And one or one of the many things was the nature of pain that started to expose itself and pain is a contracted dense, limited event stored in the being. So the antidote, or the function of pain, then is to use it as a creative project to bring in, right, greater expansion greater knowing there's a there's a potential buried within density that once it's revealed, out with it comes an expanded reality. So when I work with clients, I work with the density as a story that has been, that is stuck somewhere in their physical, emotional energetic being. And what I do is bring awareness to the story of the pain versus I am pain, my life's painful, everything is painful. It's what storyline that you have from your childhood that you had from your ancestors, because we're learning more and more through epigenetics and intergenerational trauma that we pass down pain stories through the generations, if we bring awareness, meaning I can see and observe and even love and accept this density. Now, acceptance and love are lighter energies that we can bring into the denser contracted energies of pain, we have transformation, we have expansion, we have growth. And so working energetically I transmit that a witnessing that awareness that consciousness, the higher frequencies of consciousness into the denser, lower frequencies of fear, shame, rage that they're holding in their beings. And when they do so literally, the body goes, Oh, I don't need this anymore. I'm not this is not part of my reality. I don't believe in this pain story. And off it goes literally transforming, releasing, which is all really other words for meaning it doesn't even exist anymore, if it ever did.
Agi Keramidas 12:59
When you say pain, you mentioned pain quite a few times already. Do you mean physical pain or psychological pain, or both?
Antonia 13:09
Yeah, all of the above, they're all related. So if you look at the ancient Vedic texts, and IR Veda is what I've studied, the root of all pain that we understand in this reality is repressed emotion. So we have an emotional experience that we're not able to make sense of, and organise and arrive at safety. So when we don't arrive at safety, then that experience gets stuck in the body. And out of that experience, then, we construct thought processes, painful thought processes, we construct core beliefs, which are wrapped around built upon pain, we construct behaviours that then emerge out of this pain, so and then the denser that that emotional pain gets, the more we believe it. And the more we build behaviours, it it, its density increases, the more fear we might experience and then it starts to manifest in physical body. So Pain is pain is Pain is pain. And my focus is usually drilling down to the repressed emotion. That's the root when I work with people is to work energetically and emotionally and they're very tightly linked. To get down into the root of the contracted emotion that got stuck in there. The fear, shame and rage, not the story, not what it's about not the history of it, but the actual concentrated state of fear or shame or rage or guilt or grief or disgust that got stuck in the being.
Agi Keramidas 14:42
And you mentioned and tell me if I understood that correctly, that this pain does not necessarily come from our life or maybe our childhood but you said that it can be passed down through generations is that what You mean, when you talk about the ancestral trauma?
Antonia 15:04
Yeah, I believe so once again, these are just only beginning to be measurable phenomenon. But in the years that I have been releasing suffering from my body, I don't necessarily access the vision of it, but I do usually access the essence of, you know, the root of that emotional event. And for the last 17 years, I've been doing this 99% of it are events that never happened in this life, it's just not possible. You know, villages being pillaged, you know, being burnt alive, I felt my throat being caught. So, you know, other horrific events I don't need to go into that have been, you know, literally being dug deep and pulled out of this being. So this is from, you know, my own personal experience. And as I said, I think research is coming to on epigenetics and intergenerational trauma, that they're, they're beginning to validate that that experience that I think many of us are having, and that I believe, we are going to increasingly have the surfacing of these ancient wounds, ancient stories.
Agi Keramidas 16:14
If you're enjoying this episode, can you find one person that you think would add value to and share it with them, I would really appreciate you and it really helps grow the show, and also helps you add value to people who care about. Thank you so much. Let's get back to the episode. Come back to that for sure. I just want to the reason I was asking that was I think, many if not most people are kind of familiar with the idea that suppressed emotions from childhood can lead to behavioural changes and pain, emotional pain that eventually can manifest as physical pain and Shawn. So I think that is why it is quite well documented, I think, and many people are familiar with it. However, the idea that the pain is not coming from, you know, our childhood, but it has been passed on from previous generations. It's something that from my experience, anyway, most people are, I will use that word again, that I used earlier, sceptical, if not, you know, they are not familiar with the concept. So it was very interesting to hear what you're saying that this phenomenon, as you can see, they are being researched now and there is science backing that show it's not just, you know, some purely theoretical concepts there are. So I would like a comment about this, especially, you know, the scientific part of what you just told me about the ancestral trauma or the I think you understand the question.
Antonia 18:08
So you're looking for me to comment more on what's coming out of the research? Or that what is this the nature of this phenomenon? Like, how exactly are we handing down trauma through the
Agi Keramidas 18:20
research? If you just give me a an example of something that has been, you know, researched and shown about what you're saying? That's, that would be very helpful. Yes.
Antonia 18:34
Yeah, I think that there's a new book, not new, it's been out for a few years called epi genetics. And it's showing not just they focus on the author focuses on not just on the genetic mutation, but actually how our traumas affect genetic behaviours, and that we can hand that down through generations. And they did some research from the famine in Holland, during World War Two, and how the grandchildren of the those that had experienced the famine in Holland World War Two, that the impact of that food deprivation and malnutrition, and the trauma of that is impacting now how people are their metabolism, anxiety, depression, et cetera. So it makes it makes sense to me is and on top of that my own personal experience, and if it can be handed down through to generations, it can be handed down through many generations, and we have 1000s of years of tormenting each other. We have been traumatising each other for a long, long time in very creative ways. In horrific ways, that there is no possible way we could make sense of or process you know, in our lifetimes, most of it when we're in danger from everything and everybody and I think humans have been the biggest threat, not just that threat of our lives, but the feeling of terror of fear of you know that we can hold this because of the threat of other people in our beings. So I think that, that that gets etched into our beings and we hand it down through the generations. But Richard Rudd says that that gets etched into the DNA, that that affects our very coding. And so I believe that the work that we that, that, I think we can see that this expansive process that is, is increasing around the planet, energy, the higher frequencies are coming in more of us are working with those higher frequencies. And therefore, we, I think, are better able to or more able to bring enough energy into start to impact trauma held in the coding at the coding level. Right, because I think we understand, it's all energy, it's all light. So we are beginning to permeate the density to penetrate the density of our what I think is a pain reality that these physical bodies hold, which is the 3d to penetrate the density of that pain reality. And to begin to transform these ancient ancient traumas into higher frequencies of acceptance, gratitude, love, compassion, etc.
Agi Keramidas 21:26
Thank you. And let me shift to what you just said. Because you mentioned the 3d the third dimension in your book discusses transitioning from the third dimension to a collective journey. Can you clarify for us what what these dimensions represent? And how this shift impacts us? And our, you know, our growth and our healing? Also?
Antonia 21:53
Love the question. So I love that you said the word represent. I think that's really necessary to understand. And that's how I use the word, the third dimension, and I don't even use the word fifth dimensions, like a lot of people who are working in the metaphysical world right now, are comfortable using fifth dimension. I don't know I have no idea what's going on past this one, I just know what direction I'm going. So what the way i i use the concept of third dimension is that it represents a reality of pain and how pain manifests socially in our social organisation, is in states of divisive pneus us versus them is what I consistently refer to in the book us versus them. And we find safety in the US, I'm going to find my little group, my tribe over here, I'm going to identify with this tribe. And in this identity, I'm going to find safety against all of the events out there who are constantly trying to get what I have or beat me down or, you know, get me out of their way. So that pain is defining that us versus them. That's the social organisation fear, shame and rage, guilt and grief and Jealousy has been constructing our social reality. It can't not because we have 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of years of pain handed down through generations, it's a very dense reality here. So, it has been what is defining my social relation, my motivation for career advancement, my relationship status or my relationship desires, as we release more pain, defining my reality is one of fear and therefore constructing my social reality from the needs of fear, I release fear, what comes in fierce place when we release fear the higher frequencies of compassion and connection and out of that comes empathy. So, we go from an us versus them reality. And we feel whatever the higher the state of higher frequencies the social organisation becomes connection, we are connectivity. And we move out of a pain state of divisive pneus into a reality of connection and connectivity, where we are more able to see and to have awareness of the other because pain lacks awareness, pain sees itself. When we release pain, we see the other we see environment. We so empathy comes in and we move into greater states of unity. That You Are you and we are the same. You You are me and I am you. I think that naturally moves in and we we automatically just by releasing pain through greater awareness in the healing energies of consciousness move into that Unity State and, and our social organisation falls out of that.
Agi Keramidas 24:53
I kept two words from what you said. One was the divisiveness So the other was unity, the complete opposite. So I, I think, for me anyway, that answer is really gives me an understanding of what I, what I asked. So thank you for the answer. There is one other thing you mentioned in a way earlier on that. It's going to be more. And we're talking, I think about the ancestral traumas that are reserved for sin. And if I'm not mistaken, that this is going to increase. And I think in my introduction, I also mentioned that show, can you explain why this happens? And what is, in your opinion on the other side of it?
Antonia 25:46
Wow. The wiser, it's beyond me. I think lots of people have beautiful theories as to the whys. And you know, the cycles of this planet, the energetic cycles, and now we're moving out of the Kali Yuga, right, the state paid state of pain that we've been in for 28,000 years, and we're moving now naturally into higher frequencies on the planet. And so we as humans are here to, you know, experience that and take advantage of that to build our creative. Potential creative energy is the creative process that is involved in those higher frequencies. But I don't know, I don't know anything to tell you the truth. I'm just really glad to be on for the ride here. It's very uncomfortable, right. So I don't know why I'm really excited to find out when I, you know, access that piece of information, the why, yeah,
Agi Keramidas 26:40
that's a great, thank you. Yeah. This Okay, I will let me go back and ask something simpler than or maybe not, maybe not simpler, but you know, something that you are very, very well familiar with? And that's your book? And can you tell me your motivation? Or the why behind it? And who is it for, I mean, who would really benefit by picking a copy and reading it?
Antonia 27:09
Yeah. I love my work. And it really emerged, like as a co creation between myself and the work with my clients. And I'm a therapist. So I work with trauma, as the pain continue to release the my understanding of pain, you know, expanded. And so my client and this process is shared with my clients, like we're walking this together, we're expanding together. So this really came out of and for witnessing the release slash transformation slash dissolution of trauma as part of our expansion process. And so all the work that I've done is sort of been motivated by seeing it through the lens of how do we manage work with trauma suffering, coming through as, as part of this process, we have to work with it. So the book is really about Wow, there's this beautiful thing happening, I had no idea scared them, but Jeepers, out of me. Here we are. And now that I see that a lot of the process that many of us not all of us are going through is really about moving pain through our mind body. How do we work with this so that we get out of our own way so that we allow this tap because one of the number one habits that we have, particularly in the West is avoidance is denial, right is distraction, we have our entire economy built upon distraction and avoidance. So how do we bring this into awareness and work with the pain in such a way that we allow it to move through our beings and not hold on to the stories not keep them in place? And so this is a lot of what I work with is how do we then blend this trauma framework with this metaphysical process phenomenon that is occurring right now. And so that's what I provide in the book are things like working with safety, I think is fundamental the body needs to be safe if you're going to go through these this process we work with self compassion, we work with ownership, we work cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So this is what I and this is for my clients and others who are going through this and myself of course, it's all about me right? I mean, this is all my expansion dream right.
Agi Keramidas 29:41
Thank you and I can certainly resonate and I think the listener probably gain as well with what you were saying about the denial and the distract destruction. It is we live in a society that you said there is a huge industry built around that every Think is not everything. That's a strong word. But so many things are designed to distract us and take our attention and pain and working with pain. It is notice for many big pain, but by definition of the word it is something very uncomfortable. So let me ask you this, because I always want to share with the listeners something actionable, like practical insight, because it's one thing to understand something theoretically, but it's another thing to actually do something about all that. So what would you say to someone listening now that finds this interesting? When I say this, I mean, what you said about working with pain or moving through the pain. But finding that first, either denial or distraction is the natural way of dealing, I'm using dealing in quotation marks because it's not really dealing with it, it just avoiding it. But how would one approach that or what's one step they could take towards actually working with or doing something about it? Yeah.
Antonia 31:25
So there's, there's, there's a lot of things and there are a lot of people and new spaces available for us to be to begin or to step into this. And, you know, there's a lot and so a lot of it is in the in the book, to really outline all the potential out there and how to move into the process. But the fundamental, the, I think the one of the most fundamental experiences that we need to bring in regularly is silence. Because we live in a very noisy, painful, dense reality. And the higher frequencies are, I mean, they're much quieter, they're up here. So the silence allows us to quiet all of the noise so that we can allow give permission for the higher frequencies, the ordering energies of consciousness, the intelligence of consciousness, to come in and start to do its work in these dense beings. So I myself lead meditation retreats, I, I the deep dive of silence, just cracks things open, create safe, makes it safe enough for you to go oh, look, look at the stories I'm carrying around look at the pain that I keep recycling look at the thought processes that are so self sabotaging, look at the way I'm harming myself, look at the BS I keep perpetuating, look at the things that I I just have never wanted to look at didn't even know existed. When we get really quiet. Those things start to expose themselves. That's the foundation. Now there's lots of other things and practices that we can bring in regularly. And we need to bring in in order to keep this process going. We need to be vigilant, we need to be able to feel our feelings, cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But you know, finding the quiet is the opposite of denial. It's the opposite of avoidance, to sit in pure presence, not avoidant meditation, which we can do to we can sit and quiet to avoid everything. But to sit in presence. I'm going to be here quietly with whatever shows up and practice acceptance in that quiet, who beautiful and we dwell on that for 1000s of years. And right now even more, so.
Agi Keramidas 33:51
Thank you for this answer. I will share that a couple of weeks ago came back from a Vipassana Silent Retreat. So you know what you're saying of about being silent to avoid things but to to face them, but we acquire an emotion about them regardless of whether we perceive them as good or bad. So that's a beautiful answer. And thank you for reinforcing all reaffirming that also to me, as well. Antonia, I have two last quick questions to ask you before we wrap up this truly fascinating conversation before I asked him can you tell us what is the best place for the listener to find out more about you and connect?
Antonia 34:44
So my website which has lots of stuff on there about me and what what I'm doing is WWW dot tribe to collective.com tribe to tribe to collective.com. So you can contact me and find out about the work I do. And the more and more I'm moving into group work, which I love group work, right? The collective we, we create unity. And together we feed each other's process, I think is where more and more of us know works, which is why we go on to the passion retreats and yoga retreats. Right. So, yeah, that's the website you can find out. And if you have any questions, you can contact me through there.
Agi Keramidas 35:26
Thank you. And let me ask you then, to last quickfire questions, I always ask them to my guests. And the first one is What does personal development mean to
Antonia 35:36
you? Yeah, you know, I, the, it's interesting that words personal development, because personal development dissolves the personal because in an expansive project, we are connecting, and the eye moves away and the Wii moves in. So personal development becomes collective development, which is collective evolution, which is expansion.
Agi Keramidas 36:05
Yeah, thank you, I have come to that realisation as well, when I first day was the term personal development imply that it is personal for me, but it took me a while to understand that, through me, it is the collective or the contribution. So anyway, I will leave that for now. And let me ask you one more hypothetical question this time, let's go. Let's say you could go back in time and meet your 18 year old self, what's one piece of advice you would give her?
Antonia 36:40
A love yourself, figure out how to do it. Start now. Love yourself start now. And that's not easy. So start now. Figure it out. As early as possible. So fundamental right. Love self is love. All right. Love everything. So love yourself. Yeah. Yeah.
Agi Keramidas 37:03
Thank you. Anthony, I want to thank you very much. This has been, as I said earlier, a truly fascinating discussion. I think there were many things that were brought up. That not just for me, you know, asking the questions and following my natural curiosity and what intrigues me, but I think we offered some option or some possibility to you know, maybe open up for someone who was, again, I will use that word sceptical that I used already a couple of times in the past. So I believe, and I hope for sure that we offer that. So I want to thank you very much for the conversation, I want to wish you all the very best with your mission with what you're doing with your contribution to this awakening of human consciousness. Any last parting words from you?
Antonia 38:07
I'm very grateful for you offering this container right? This is what it's about. These are the mediums for transmitting right higher frequencies. So compassion and empathy and acceptance. So I'm really grateful for this opportunity, really.
Agi Keramidas 38:28
And before I leave you for today, if you've enjoyed this episode, can you find one person that you think it would add value to and share it with them? I would really appreciate you. Not only does it help grow the show, it also helps you add value to people that you care about. Thank you so much. Until next time, stand out don't fit in!